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Sunday, January 13, 2008

PTA Support

Last year I began a photo club and opened it to 10 5th and 6th graders. It filled up and the kids had a blast. PTA agreed to sponsor the entire club, which was about $350 for cameras and purchasing and developing film. I decided to run this club again and have even been asked by several students when it would take place. So, yet again I went to PTA to ask for their financial support. I emailed the President asking her to add me to the agenda and was preparing to give a speech on why they should put up the money for my club again this year. I was amazed when I learend they already had me on the bill for $250 in the event I decided I wanted to have another photo club. They also said that if I needed $300 it wouldn't be a problem. This is pretty cool, I must say. I haven't really had any dealings with other PTA's but mine is pretty amazing. They are all for extra arts and any programs that will add to the quality of their student's education.
With this money I have planned out the photo club schedule. We will be taking pictures of textures and learning about composition the first week. We will also be learning about some of my favorite texture photographers like Margaret Bourke-White. The second week we will be making a photo documentary. The third week students will make cyanotypes using sun print paper. I even have enough funds to purchase a kit for them that they may take home. I thought this would be a fun project to introduce alternative photography, which I have been doing a bit of myself lately. The fourth and last week we will be making photo collages from all of the sub prime photos and looking at artists who do this as well. On the last session I purchase ice cream and toppings for sundaes, which the kids loved last year. I'm pretty excited about the whole club and every week it seems I have even more kids ask when the photo club will be. Can't get any better than that!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Andy Goldsworthy

A couple of 3rd grade classes created Andy Goldsworthy inspired art. We are not finished with the project- they still need time to mess around with the photography.
But over all- fun fun fun- I had a lot of fun. ;)

This is what art teachers to when they have time off.

They make felt circus elephants and hide them in their house plants. Then they create a photo story of their
elephant taking an adventure cross country.

Who is the best?

So-I get a phone call today from a woman who is organizing a very big state art show. Each school is allowed to summit only two pieces of art and the applications had to be turned in about a month ago. When she called- I was at once proud of myself for making the dead line, but then realized that instead of submitting 2 names I had submitted 5. I guess I got confused with the entry numbers and wanted to make sure I had the max amount possible.
After realizing my mistake I at once have to pick two students out of the five and at that moment what should be an easy answer turns into this philosophical question of who is the best?
Lest dissect the group- I have 4 girls and one boy. One in kindergarten, one in 1st, one in 2nd, and two in third ( the boy being in third grade).
The student in 3rd grade is amazing- every piece of art she makes is beautiful and she also just had a writing piece place on state level...
My little kindergarten student made this awesome mixed media piece and I love it so much I just want to show it off to the world. Because it makes me look good... ( This is bad I know)
The second grade student- her art even though quite good- I mean she is very talented.. I don't think it will stand out enough- because of the art lesson - not because of any lack of talent on her part.
The Boy- shows little interest in art until recently and them boom! He create this awesome oil pastel.
The first grader- so sweet and her teacher thinks it could really boost her self confidence. .. plus her teacher is awesome..
Awesome third grader should go- but she just experienced a lot of success in her writing and I really do want to share the wealth.. so I have to say no.
Kinderpicasso- she is 5 and like an amazing artist- plus she is really cool. I won an art contest in Kindergarten and it changed my life... so Yes?
No to the boy- because am I just choosing him because I want and even boy and girl entry?
No to 2nd grader- because the first grader's art stands out way more.

So who is the best?

Lesson Learned:
If you have this much trouble picking art entries for a contest- you will never make it as a CEO or principle, or military leader. ...