What a weird day. It's 3 a.m. and I am making a post. Allow me to explain. I cannot sleep. I was observed today for my 1st of 3 total evaluations throughout the year, which I felt was about to happen by the way. I can always pick the days, I just feel it for some reason. Hahaha. I absolutely forgot that I had a third grade class after the class I was evaluated in. I thought they came after lunch for some reason :P My brother had hernia surgery today, outpatient, but still on my mind mostly because I was the one who had to pick him up after school. Then at 12:30 a.m. there were drunk college kids outside the apartment complex yelling at each other. 3:00 a.m. the same college kids were back from their outing getting sick on the lawn and yelling once again at the very top of their lungs. Thank God the cops were called by the awesome girls upstatirs with the patio bar my brother so envys! Now, all is calm but I am anxious for my flight in the morning back home for the week of Thanksgiving. So, I can't get back to sleep.
Back to my post relating to the title. Once in a while I really get the feeling that I think very differently from others and today was one of those times. In the past I have mistaken a raspberry candle I got as a gift as jam and put it in the frigde. I was shocked and a little dissapointed when I opened it and had nothing more than candle wax to spread on my already made toast one morning. Ok, that I would classify as not too bright. Once, I also recieved a card in the mail from the local pizza company once for what I thought said a free pizza for Amy Stromboli. I was all set with an elaborate plan to redeem my coupon pretending I was this italian woman, Amy Stromboli. My brother/roomie was able to read the scribbled cursive writing that reavealed it was a free chioce of ANY stromboli. So, now I know a stromboli is a pizza item and I avert my eyes when it pops up on any menu in order to avoid reliving my stupidity. Once again, I would classify that as not so bright. And last but not least, during a practice lockdown drill at school I opened the door when the assistant principal knocked, not even considering it could be an intruder. If it's up to me, I guess we're all gonners! I guess i'm a little too trusting as well.
But, today I may have convinced myself that I have an artist's mind instead, being that I just think a little differently and slightly weird. The third grade teacher brought her kids in today for art and usually get picked up at 11:45. Today she said "I'll get them at 22." I said, "that's fine, we'll be done early, i'll have them ready for you at 22." This is not an odd request. Once in a great while students have to finish tests and I let them pick students up early. So, we rush through our clay lesson. I tell the kids we are working full speed today. I get them lined up by 11:22 and we play the grocery store game until 11:30. I finally call the teacher's room to see if she's going to pick up her kids and she says it's only 11:30 and she'd get them at 22. I said, it's past 11:22, it's 11:30. She laughs and says twenty to 12! I said, oh no, I thought you meant 22 after not 20 till! See, she did not say twenty till, the proper way to say 11:40. We had a good laugh about it and I let the kids free draw for a few minutes. Seems more like a lack of communication and understanding but am I a wierd thinker or just not too bright?
In a discussion with my brother, he concluded that it's good to think differently like I do. It's not that i'm necessarily a moron, but I have so many alternative answers for a lot of things and I don't just pick the obvious. That's what makes a good art teacher, he said. I guess if I were mostly logic, which clearly I'm not, I wouldn't be in this field. I'll just go with what he said!
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