I know it is difficult at times to steer clear of gossip, especially in a school/teaching setting. I do my best but admit that I can get caught up in it just like anyone else. I eat lunch with a group of teachers, all specialists like myself, at my second school I teach at 2 days a week. I think this group has gotten into a habit of taking extended lunches to simply sit and gossip, or at least that's what I think. So, yesterday I had simply had enough. When I was finished eating and the gossip was still a flowin, I got up from the table and started to prepare my lessons for the next day. I cut paper, sorted materials and found reproductions that I needed. It cut way down on the amount of gossip I heard, not only because they were whispering but because I had my mind occupied with more productive things.
I felt good about myself that I had gone against the grain and decided that I wouldn't be apart of this gossip-fest, at least for the day. Baby steps
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